Friday 5 November 2010

Narrative theory

Narrative conventions consist of

-the genre of the film
-the characters in the film
-the form of the film
-the timing of the film
Vladimir Propp discovered a recurring pattern in old folk tales; most tales had struggles and stock characters. The characters provide a structure for the text.

The hero seeks something
The villain opposes the hero
The donor helps the hero by providing a magic object
The dispatcher sends the hero on his way
The false hero falsely assuming the role of hero
The helper gives support to the hero
The princess the reward for the hero but also needs to be
protected from the villain
Her father rewards the hero for his efforts


A member of the family leaves home
Prohibition or rule is imposed on the hero
The prohibition or rule is broken
The villain makes and attempt at reconnaissance
The villain learns something about his victim
The villain tried to deceive the victim to get possession of
his/her belongings
The victim unknowingly helps the villain by being deceived or
influenced by the villain

The hero and the villain join in direct combat
The hero is branded
The villain is defeated
The initial misfortune or lack is put right

 The hero returns
 The hero is pursued
 The hero is rescued from pursuit
 The hero arrives home or elsewhere and is not recognized
 A false hero makes false claims
 A difficult task is set for the hero
 The task is accomplished by the hero

 The hero is recognized
 The false hero/villain is exposed
 The false hero is transformed
 The villain is punished
 The hero is married and crowned

I’m going to demonstrate Propps theory by using ‘Aladdin’, 19922.

Propp's Characters

The 8 character types from Propp's theory can be found in Aladdin like so:

The villain - Jafar
The donor - Jafar
The helper - Genie
The princess - Jasmine
Her father - The Sultan
The dispatcher - Jafar
The hero - Aladdin
The anti-hero - Jafar

Plot Synopsis of Aladdin:

- Jafar, the Grand Vizier to the Sultan, wants to get hold of a magic lamp from the Cave of Wonders. However, he discovers that only the "Diamond in the Rough" is able enter the cave. (Villain gets information about hero)

- Jasmine, daughter of the sultan, is annoyed with her sheltered life, so she escapes from the palace to the local market, she meets a street urchin called Aladdin (The Hero is now introduced)

- Jafar discovers that Aladdin is the "Diamond in the Rough" and imprisons him, he then tells Jasmine that he is dead. (Villain carries away hero)

- Jafar masks himself, frees Aladdin and takes him to the Cave of Wonders; he tells Aladdin that only he can touch the lamp.
- A magical carpet leads Aladdin to the magic lamp, however Aladdin's monkey tries to steal a ruby which causes the cave to fall in. (Hero is tested)

-Aladdin manages to escape the cave with the use of the magic carpet, Jafar tries to kill Aladdin and take the lamp. However, Aladdin manages to survive and keep hold of the lamp. (Hero responds to test and hero and villain in direct fight)

- Aladdin rubs the magic lamp and a genie comes out and tells Aladdin that he will grant him three wishes (Hero gets magical object)

- Aladdin's first wishes to become a prince so that he can marry Jasmine, however is rejected by her until she realizes his true identity (Hero is given a  new appearance)

- Jafar imprisons Aladdin again , he tells the guards to chain him and throw him into the sea, but Aladdin uses his second wish to escape. (Hero is challenged and rescued from the challenge)

- Aladdin goes back to the palace and exposes Jafar's wicked plot to Jasmine and the Sultan. (The Fake hero is uncovered)

- Jafar realizes Aladdin's true identity and escapes from the Sultan's bodyguards,
- Jafar steals the magic lamp from Aladdin, making a wish to be Sultan and another wish to become a controlling sorcerer. He uses his new found powers to send Aladdin off to an unknown destination.
Aladdin tried to steal back the magic lamp from Jafar, Jasmine also helps him however he is unsuccessful and Jafar assaults him.
- Aladdin uses the magic carpet to fly back, where he attempts to steal back the magic lamp with the help of Jasmine, but he is unsuccessful and Jafar attacks him.

Jafar thinks that he is the most powerful magical creature however Aladdin tells him that genies are more powerful, Jafar feels threatened and makes a final wish to become a genie himself., however genie’s are not free which meant Jafar got sucked into a lamp.

- Aladdin used his last wish to free the genie.

- The Sultan changes the law so that Aladdin and Jasmine are allowed to get married and they celebrate their engagement (The Hero marries)

In Propp’s theory different types of characters are often filled by the same character, however it is very difficult to fit Propp’s 31 functions in the last part of Aladdin.Propps theory is applicable for simpler fairytales however it has down falls when the narrative becomes more complicated.

Thorodov's theory
Thorodov believed that narratives always involved a transformation. The characters or situation are transformed through the event or disruption.
There are 5 stages the narrative can progress through
1. A state of equilibrium (everything is as it should be)
2. A disruption of order by an event
3. A recognition that an order has occurred
4. An attempt to repair the damage of destruction
5. The return or re-establishment of a new equilibrium

At the beginning of the film the equilibrium is that of Elizabeth and will being associates, they had met as children when will was rescued from a burning ship which had been abducted by pirates. Will and Elizabeth do not speak of where will his from however she has doubts whether or not Will is a pirate because she found a pirate medallion around his neck.

The imminent disequilibrium is implied at during the opening sequence of the film in Elizabeth's meeting of Will and discovering of his pirate medallion. At the end of the flashback we see Elizabeth temporarily looking at a pirate ship which we later discover to be the Black Pearl.

A new equilibrium is formed at the end of the film when Will saves Jack from being executed and Jack escapes, leaving Will and Elizabeth alone again. Elizabeth then announces her love for Will, and is given authorization to marry him with both Governor Swann and Commador Norrington's blessings.


  1. Jona you have showen minmial understanding of both film theories.

    Aim: To relate your understanding of both film theories to exsisting films and suggest how you might apply Propps or Todorov to your own production.

  2. Well done Jona you have taken on board the comments I made in my previous post, as a result of this you have clearly demonstrated your understanding of both film theories and identified how they apply to exsisting film.

    To expand on this even further you could relate the narrative theories to your own production and suggest ways in which they might support your narrative.
