Sunday 10 October 2010


Objective-To identify and have an understanding of all the different types of edits.
Invisible editing-When the shot cuts from one scene to another; however the audience does not normally notice the edit. Invisible editing is also one of the most common edits used.
Reaction shot-When a subject reacts to a previous shot, often used as a cutaway.
Straight cut-When the shot cuts and goes onto another.
Montage-Numerous different shots placed together in a series to create excitement
Slow editing-When clips are placed together at a slower pace to create suspense.
Dissolve-When the image is merged together with another image.
Fade out-The screen fades to black which normally means an ending of an episode, the screen can also fade to white which normally means the beginning of an episode.
Wipe cut-One part of the screen moves away to wipe another.
Jump cut-When the film unexpectedly focuses on something.
Linking shots-When numerous shots are linked together to create an emotional impact for example a child growing up.
Linking of section-A flashback or flash-forward, not necessarily in chronological order.
Timing shots-Shots either sped up or slowed down to add impact and suspense.
Kuleshov effect-When shots are linked together and let the audience make up their own narrative.
180-Camera has to be positioned in a certain place.
Shot reverse shot-Camera moves from one person to another during a conversation.
Graphic match-When one shot goes into another shot but the shape is similar for example a woman screaming with her mouth in circular shape, the next shot could be of a tunnel.

This is a clip from the famous move ‘Pyscho’ made in 1960.
The editing allowed them to change the position of the camera, because in 1960 the directors didn’t have such extravagant budgets for their films. The edits begin to quicken when the woman is being attacked to show the action however the edits never show the knife really going into her skin however as an audience this is what we can infer. There are an approximation of 15 edits before the attack and 27 during the attack.

The movie ‘slum dog millionaire’ had many more different types of edits than ‘psycho’ because technology has advanced enormously in the last 50 years. The first edit that is used is a linking of section, In the clip there are many straight cuts that show action without confusing the audience, a reaction shot is used to show the little boys face when the men are running towards them, the editing changed into a slower motion when the people are charging towards them to represent a sort of calm before the storm, the most effective edit that is used is a montage, it creates a great sense of chaos and panic.

1 comment:

  1. Yona you have displayed a sound knowledge of editing techniques and are able to identify them within your analysis of film.
    You have also shown some knowledge of the history of film editing. You have identified the effects of some of the edits and analysed the effects that it has on the meaning of the films. Aim; To use more detailed analysis by explaining what the edits link and how the edit can affect an audience's understanding of the narrative.
