Wednesday 10 November 2010

Title sequence

The purpose of a title sequence is
To Introduce the narrative of the film
To introduce the location/setting of the film
To introduce the main actors and actresses in the film
To introduce the title of the film
To introduce the genre of the film

In this clip of the movie ’seven’ firstly the production company appears in unstable flashing typography, several images then appear which seem to be photographs and then we are shown fingers holding a razor blade, this adds to the danger of the film because razor blades could be used for harming or even killing someone. The actors and actresses appear in etched in handwriting which adds a sense of eeriness to the film and is also a conventional to a thriller film. The film title is shown very quickly and not in detail, it flashes and then flashes onto another picture in the background. There are many different images and numbers flashing on the screen, all the images look as if they are something to do with a murder, which immediately alerts the audience on what genre the film is going to be. The screen then suddenly goes red, red is a color associated with evil and could also represent blood and is also a generic convention of a thriller film. The person doing this all is cutting things out and putting them into place, almost as if he is trying to solve something which gives the audience the notation that the film is going to most likely be a murder mystery. We are never shown the persons face however his fingernails are very dirty and have cuts on them, this could mean he has been working very hard trying to solve the case or could mean that he is assessing all his previous murders and planning for the next one. The person highlights the words ‘pregnant ‘intercourse’ and ‘transsexual’, which could imply those are the people he wants to harm or they might be the people he would like to protect. At the end of the title sequence he is shown sewing something together with a needle, the whole title sequence adds a great deal of mystery, it leaves the audience asking questions and adds suspense without the movie even beginning.

The film begins with an establishing shot to show the setting and it represents what kind of people the characters are likely to be.

The credits in this film all move in different angles by the camera doing pan shots. This is an attractive and different way to show the credits which makes it more fascinating compared to credits that don't move as it makes it handier for the audience to read as it moves along the page.

The font is a simple colour but shows up well against the backgrounds as the 3D effect on the writing makes it easier to see. The style of writing is modern which fits with the modern buildings, relating the style of the film being set in a modern surrounding.
The writing is bold and in capital letters which indicates the style of film, having a strong storyline with serious events as the writing theme is strong.

1 comment:

  1. Jona your analysis of Seven is good and showns your understanding for the purpose of a title sequence especially in a thriller film. You have demonstarted that you are able to identfy key conventions within a title sequence.

    Now state how your research has helped you and your group, could your research influence your own title sequence?
