Sunday 7 November 2010

Mise en Scene

The term "mise-en-scene" is a French term which was developed in the theater, literally meaning "put into the scene".Mise en scene is everything we see in a scene or a frame.
Mise en scene consists of
-Settings and props
-Facial expression and body language
-Lighting and colour
-Costume, hair and make-up
-Positioning of characters in a scene

When television was black and white makeup was used heavily to highlight the characters facial features.

In this picture from ‘kill bill’ her positioning makes her looks strong, also enhances her power and gives the audience the notation that she is the main character. The woman is wearing a yellow jumpsuit, she stands out and is shown to be almost more important from all the other suited men surrounding her, the men in suites look mysterious and as if they are the villains in the film. The sword in her hand implies that she killed the man on the floor. Her facial expression is focused on something, this means she is determines and ruthless.

The two men are in suites which imply they are business men; the blood on the shirt of one of the men suggests that he had been involved in a murder. Their positioning is threatening towards one another, the prop they are both using is a gun that it pointed and one another, and this shows that they have some sort of conflict; the guns could also imply that they are mobsters, the setting and background suggests that they are in some sort of warehouse.

In the opening of the film 'natural born killers' there is a series of animals shown that are deadly predators which could imply that the film is mainly about death, the screen then goes red which is the colour of blood and is also associated with death, the man’s glasses are also red, red is a recurring colour throughout the scene. Before the couple starts killing people there are already signs of death when the truck runs over the scorpion. When the woman begins to perform a seductive dance this portrays her to be a temptress. The most important prop used in the scene is the newspaper it writes “Mickey and Malory kill six teens during slumber party” this shows they are both killers before the audience have even seen any murders. The women all of a sudden changes her mood and begins to attack a stranger , her facial expressions are angry however she is highly enjoying causing somebody else pain, the man then joins her on their killing spree and they almost mock the value of life and kill for fun.

1 comment:

  1. Good well done Jona you have shown that you understand the importance of Mise en Scene within a film. You have also portaryed you are able to indentify Mise en Scene techniques being used within a film clip and explain the purpose of the technique being used.

    Now relate your research to your own production.
