Monday 15 November 2010


Sound code- Music is a sound code and the type of music in a text can convey a great deal of information, about the mood and tone of the text. Such as tension and emotions can be helped by the music.
Diegetic sound-Music or sound that belongs with a frame, can be considered to be a natural part of the narrative but it not always visible on the screen.
Non diegetic sound-Sounds that are added on in the film editing,un-natural sounds, e.g the soundtrack.
Rhythm-Rhythm of the music can dictate the rhythm of cuts. Such as in a fight scene to create tension.
Silence-creates tension and suspense.
Voice over narration-When dialogue is added on In the editing stage and is usually used to explain things that have already happened , or to give and insight.
sound bridge-Can be used as a bridge to maintain continuity in a sequence by running a soundtrack under a series of images to link them together. Or to create a transition from one scene to another.
Parallel sound-when the sound and image compliment each other.

The purpose of sound in a movie is to add suspense,tone and emotion,it helps the audience understand the narrative on a whole.

The sound in this fight scene from 'X Men 2' is
Is non dietetic, the sound needs to be added in during editing because no human could make the animalistic sounds that the created was making, the punches have also been added on after to emphasize the power of each blow. When the creature disappears and reappears a loud swoosh noise takes place which marks his importance to the scene.

Charlie's Angels fight scene.

When the soundtrack first begins, the music keeps a very steady beat and pace which matches the characters running. The music then picks up more of a beat as the women are being shot at which adds a sense of excitement. The music then gets more intense as the woman finally start attacking the man this adds a sense of victory.

Analysis of sound in the thriller 'Seven'

The film ‘Seven’ begins with diegetic sound, the background noises consist of the radio, traffic noises from the surrounding area, and water running in the flat. Further on dialogue is then introduced between two characters explaining the situation so that the audience gets more of an understanding of the circumstances. Then more diegetic  sounds are introduced such as rain, cars, everyday street noises, after this police sirens are clearly heard which suggests what the film is going to entail and also what genre it may be. When the scene goes back into the bedroom the sound of the outside is concealed until completely dimmed out. The sound of a metronome becomes the main sound being used,  which builds up the suspense and tension in the scene and leaves the audience in anticipation. Lastly when the opening credits begin, a non-diegetic soundtrack of electronic sounds and the beat of drums is used, this creates a creepy atmosphere to the opening of the film.

In my thriller I entail to mainly use soundtrack and silence, the soundtrack will consist of low and deep sounds, I will intensify the music at the pinnacle of the action in my thriller to amplify the suspense and shock, silence is a common convention in a thriller  film because the audience are left in complete mystery, they do not know what it going to happen or when to expect it and silence helps to do this.


  1. Good well done Jona you have shown a sound understanding of the different sound techniques used within film. You have also demonstrated independant research with the analysis of the two films. However you must expand on your analysis stating why different sound techniques have been used and what effect they create.

    Jona you also need to suggest how you intend to use sound within your own production.

  2. Good well done Jona you have displayed your understanding of sound and how it is used within your analysis of the film Seven.

    Well done for relating your reserach and understanding to your own production. I agree silence can be very powerfull in a thriller film.

    To improve this post furture expand on the use of sound in your own production.
