Monday 3 January 2011


My initial idea was that we would film a young girl walking home; she would then arrive at this huge block of flats. As she got into the elevator a dirty hand stopped the door from closing and a creepy looking man entered the elevator alongside her. The lights ten begin to flicker until they get to the 6th floor. The door then opens and the man walks dragging out a huge bag. The girl is no longer in the elevator.

The narrative that I and my group chose was very simple yet effective; a young teenage girl is babysitting for her auntie, when she hears the young child crying, she goes up to check on him and she spots a terrifying clown doll staring at her in the corner, she is first scared however she realises it’s just a doll so she calms the baby and goes back down stairs and returns to watching TV, she then see’s the baby monitor go off a second time, she rushes upstairs and the room has been torn apart, the clown is no longer there and the baby is crying very loud. She then see’s a shadow outside the window, she nervously walks closer and closer towards the window and then open the curtain, she is shocked when she sees the clown doll outside in the garden, staring at her.

The main hair and makeup that I would have to complete is the clown, I’ve taken inspiration from the movie ‘killjoy’ and the 1990’s horror ‘it’. In both the films the clowns face has been painted on, I think painting on the face is more effective than a mask because the audience can see the facial expressions more clearly and get an intensified sense of terror.

The costume I have chosen is from, the costume is colourful and bright because I think it will have a real contrast with the genre of the film. The costume is £6:36 and also includes the hat,the costume will suit the makeup I have decided to use.    

The main other character in our film is a teenage babysitter, I have decided to make her look like your average teenage girl, her hair will be straight and her makeup will be basic (mascara and lip-gloss), she should wear jeans and a plain vest top. I will firstly use whiteface paint as a base on the clown character, white is the best base because it makes the clown look scarier and ghost like, then I will only paint a red circle on the clowns nose like in the film ‘killjoy’. I will put heavy eye-liner around the clown’s eye and I will also pain a black spike begging from the eyebrow and continuing down to the eye, I want to extenuate the clown’s mouth and make it look bigger with red lipstick.

Props- we will need a phone for when the parents send the babysitter the text


  1. well done yona you have clearly demonstrated independent research and linked your research back too your own production. Your post clearly shows your role amongst the group and how you intend to fulfil your role.

  2. As commented above what you have produced is good however now you need to show the planning you and your group conducted and how your role fits in with this.
